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7 mistakes that we should avoid

When we see someone hurting or when we hurt ourselves, the first thing we say is “woe.” An expression to translate pain and suffering. Isaiah, a great prophet of God and as known to make a coming of reference Jesus more than 500 years before that occurs, also has words of warning to those who forget the righteousness of God. In chapter 5 he brings a list of what we call “Woes”.
These are situations that reveal cause and consequence. Woe to you if you do, you will reap it. The law of sowing in practice. Understanding these warnings gives us a conviction that displeases God deeply and therefore we should avoid all our hearts.

1) Greed

The first alert is about people who are full of properties and are acquiring more and more. Clearly the Bible does not condemn purchase goods, but act selfishly and never being satisfied. The word promises greedy little production and beautiful and large houses, but no residents. This here empty life without fruits of those who only live for the money.

2) Drunkenness

There is a very clear sentence for those who get drunk: exile, hunger and thirst. Today we see many families destroyed by alcohol and other drugs. The result is often an excluded person’s own home and left to their fate.

3) Sin and iniquity

When sin becomes something quite natural in our lives and we think there is no harm in it, of course our hearts away from God. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” Romans 6:23

4) Handling

People whose lying lips treat evil as if it were good, manipulate the truth according to their interest are far from the truth. We know that God abhors lying and does not support the presence of liars. The enemy of God, moreover, is described in the Bible as the father of lies. “The Lord hates the lying lips, but he delights in those who speak the truth” Proverbs 12:22

5) Arrogance

Those who think themselves smarter and better than others. We know that God slaughters the proud, but gives grace to the humble. “The boastful shall not stand in your presence; I hate all who do evil “Psalm 5: 5.

6) Corruption

Isaiah brings a clear condemnation to those who take bribes or practice injustice. Corruption is a dishonor to God, it is totally selfish and contrary to the laws of the Bible.

7) Ego

When Isaiah sees God he has a reality check. He recognizes a man of unclean lips who saw the King of hosts. Like him, the first step to the action of God in our life is to recognize with humility our weaknesses and sins. So it was with the prophet. Immediately after assuming an impure man, his sins are forgiven and the Lord calls to his work.
There is a very deep song of  “The Arrais” where a sentence caught my attention since the first time I heard it. “What else is there today is free without judgment, to bring love and peace without compromise.” Unfortunately, this is very true.


Today we see more people who want the grace of God, but they forget that the same God rich in compassion and mercy is also perfect in justice. There are promises in the Bible for us, but they precede obedience. When seeking grace, remember before the judgment: “His anger is not turned away, his hand is still raised,” Isaiah 5:25.

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